“They Laughed When I Said I Discovered The Secret To Attracting Any Man You Desire, But When I Showed Them This Breakthrough Book...”

Read On To Discover How Even The Cynical UK Press Was COMPELLED To Admit, ‘I Was A Sceptic, But This Absolutely Works.’

Regular Price $49, LIMITED TIME OFFER $29

" Become A Man Magnet now? I couldn’t believe it could be that simple, until I saw my girlfriends try it. Not only does the Man Magnet System work, but you can start to use it at once anywhere, anytime, with any man--and with almost instant results! On top of that, this system NEVER fails. I'm stunned. "
---Janet Nute -- International Speaker and Therapist
Dear Future Man Magnet,

et me ask you a question. And be honest here.

Have you really figured out exactly how to get the man you want chasing after you and eager to do whatever it takes to make it happen?

Are you still wondering how some women seem to have a flow of healthy desirable lasting relationships with men like water pouring down a waterfall, while others seem to struggle trying to make it to the third date?

Have you been steadily trying to attract that relationship, but haven’t been able to make it happen?

Have you been spending $$$ on every internet dating website going, only to realize it’s futile and you can’t believe a word on anyone’s profile?

Those questions used to drive me crazy when I was struggling trying to help hundreds of women attract the right man (Do you remember the promise of easier dating from those Internet adverts?)

There is no reason for you to go on wasting your time, your energy, your money – your efforts in catching and keeping a man!

Want To Know The Secrets To Winning And Keeping The Man You REALLY Want?  Try This To Begin Seeing
Immediate Results From Any Of Your Dating Efforts…

efore I tell you why you'll never need waste a single second with an online dating account again, let me reveal something. For over SEVEN years, I’ve been seeing significant results from my readers while most women continue to struggle along.

In fact, I feel almost guilty that my readers have EXACTLY the man they want while many women are still dating total losers or married jerks.

You see, while everyone has been running around in confusion over poor dating results, I’ve been teaching women how to attract the "Mr. Right" virtually effortlessly.

And the results may shock you.

You may not realize it yet, but in the next few minutes you're going to feel something new: a deep burning desire to get the man you want – and the belief to make it happen.

You’ll start to realize deep inside that you have the power to get Mr. Right, to catch him and keep him.

While you're sitting there reading this, you’re going to discover the little-known secret to making what you most DESIRE manifest.

"Why The UK Press Tried To Beat Down My Door"

efore I tell you the STARTLING DISCOVERY that lead the UK press to my front door begging for an exclusive, eager to know the powerful secrets you're about to learn, I want to ask you a personal question:

"Have you ever noticed how so many women are saying exactly the same things?"

"All the good men are taken."
"I always seem to get the wrong guy."
"Guys always seem to want to be 'friends' with me."
"Is there something wrong with me?"
"You can't trust men..."
"All guys are jerks."

You probably already know that the women who talk like that are not the ones who have the fulfilling relationship you are looking for. In fact, they are frustrated, unhappy and feel isolated.

And that does not have to be you.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could invest now in something to change that and get men queuing up to be with you? Not just any men, but the ones you really want.

I wish I could reach out of this letter and grab you by the shoulders and SHAKE this into you, because you simply must understand this before another day goes by… that you CAN, not only attract the man you desire, but absolutely know that he is “right” for you from day one, thanks to an amazing discovery.


...Let me tell you a true story about my friend Janet

Janet not only knows about relationships but also is considered an expert in the therapeutic and entrepreneurial fields. She has an eye for good products that can vary from weight loss programs to chiropody, from self help books to spiritual and inspirational material. And if there's a therapy that gets results, she knows about it.

But better still, she has a knack for conveying the benefits of a good product to her clients. They love her honesty and integrity. They buy from her time and time again. People trust Janet and request her counsel. And they listen when she talks.

Her worst ideas about business and about relationships are usually far superior to the best ideas of most experts. Over the years, this expertise has ensured that Janet is well-established and highly respected.

So I listen carefully to what she has to say.

One day, I had gone to see Janet for a coffee and to catch up. She is a wonderful therapist and had very kindly made time to give me a reflexology treatment so I could sit back and relax. Afterwards, as we were comfortable sitting in a tiny, cosy café and I was sipping quietly on my latte, Janet said, “You know, my friend is always trying to get a man. But she just can’t seem to find the right one for her.”

At that moment, one of the customers having coffee next to us, turned to me and said, “You know, I just can't seem to find the right man either. No one seems interested. And when I do meet one I like, he seems to leave me.”

Very soon, the whole café (which was filled with women, apart from me) was alive with talk of the difficulties of finding a man, getting him to notice you, overcoming the fears of rejection, trying to work out how to keep a man, women wondering if there was something fundamentally wrong with themselves, and even questioning if men DO want a committed relationship.

Suddenly I found myself blurting out, “You know I’m thinking of writing another book on relationships. Do you think women would be interested in one called ‘Become A Man Magnet’?”

There was a hush through the café.

At that moment, I KNEW that this was the next - and most important book - I was meant to write. Every single woman exclaimed that she wanted a copy now - and I hadn’t even written a thing! As the women became more excited about a book that answered their questions and met their need, ideas started to come to me. Ideas that had been formulating for some time just seemed to flow – how to make sure that your partner has similar values to you, how to use body language to detect if someone is trustworthy or not.

I went home and was in a frenzy of excitement and ideas. For days, the ideas from hundreds of female clients over the years, interviews and books I had read started to flow. These lead to more ideas and even more penetrating insights. When I took a break for a coffee or to go for a walk, inevitably I would meet a woman who would unconsciously share another question I needed to address or insight that would become part of the Man Magnet System – and I never told a soul that I was even writing it!

Finally, after days and nights of typing, I was finished. I e-mailed a copy to a few close friends and went off to have a well-earned rest. When I awoke the next day, the calls and e-mails started coming in and I was astounded.

First thing next morning, I had called Janet for her reaction and advice on the papers I had given her the day before.

"Good Morning, Janet, how are you doing?" I asked, hoping that she would tell me she had looked at the book.

"This is amazing, absolutely amazing," she said...

"Why, what's the matter?" I blurted out. I had only expected her to say "Good work," or "Keep it up" or something to that effect.

But her words stunned me. "If you could make this available to others, you would change the lives of so many women. The whole world needs this, Richard."

I knew that I had created something extra special.

n fact, a week later, I was STUNNED when a roving reporter called Laura even turned up at my front door requesting a photo shoot and an interview to discover what all the excitement was about: she was so intrigued and amazed at the results she got herself (and remember this is a reporter, who is trained to be sceptical and expects to "find the flaws") that she wrote a full page feature on it!

What is the system I am talking about? It's called "Become A Man Magnet: What Every Woman Should Know About How To Be Successful With Men."

In your "Become A Man Magnet" Manual
you will discover…

    A proven system that will enable you to attract men so easily that your friends will accuse you of having stolen Aladdin's magic lamp. You don't want to miss this one!

    Why you'll never be able to keep the man of your dreams, even if he's right there under your nose declaring undying love, unless you resolve this one issue. Truth be told, this one secret alone will negate the need for all the rest of the information in the program — IF you can fully understand and utilize it.

    3 simple-steps which work on autopilot to make you instantly more desirable to any potential partner. (I can't wait till you try this strategy!)

    How to quickly let go of any past relationship stress - so you feel open and able to receive a man into your life. Simply unbelievable!

    The real reason why men are staying away from you - and the one thing you can do at once to turn that around. Once you do, men are going to start appearing everywhere and ask you out. You won’t be able to stop them!

    Why you're never completely happy with yourself - and how to fix that once and for all. This one's really cool!

    Why the worst thing you can do is write down who your ideal partner is on a "wish list," unless you know the single most important value to look out for. This was an absolute mind-blower when I discovered it.

    Two magic words you'll learn which will have men fighting over you. You have to see this in action to believe it!

    The single most important thing you must do that will make men melt in your presence, and how this one small shift in your behaviour will flood your life with everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Do this one thing and you’ll notice an immediate change in the quality of men showing up in your life!

    One simple quality that will magically attract the right men into your life. It’s so stunningly powerful; My girlfriend's life transformed when she developed this one habit - and she became a man magnet extraordinaire. Just imagine how ecstatic you’ll feel when you have this magnetic magic.

    How, in 2 minutes flat, you’ll effortlessly dissolve negativity completely, and drench your life with "man magnet miracles." The results will astonish you.

    The single most crucial thing you must do before you can change your thinking to guarantee your success! (Hint: It’s such an easy “no-brainer”, you’ll wonder why you haven’t done it up to now!)

    How to instantly melt away 3 “deadly” beliefs that will otherwise freeze you in your tracks, and stop you attracting men before you even begin.

    The tragically common roundabout view of the world that slams the door on romance. Quickly flip this bad habit on its head, and say hello to love and intimacy! Surprising ... and completely life-changing.

    The “one” ability you must develop if you are ever to achieve your romantic dreams! (This “shortcut-to-romance” is crucial… if you don’t have it, you’re not going to get unstuck from your rut… and you’ll never become one of those women with a SIZZLING love life!)

    How you are almost certainly unknowingly pushing "men" away and how to turn that around in 5-minutes flat. Don't miss out!

    How to easily tap into a man's desire and attraction so he'll be begging you to pick HIM. You be the judge of this benefit!

    The unlikely insider secret to make your relationship "cheat-proof" and why he is 75% guaranteed to stray unless you know this. What a difference these little gems will make in your life!

    The single worst mistake every woman makes with men. If you don't know these, you will put the fires of passion out in your most ardent admirer.

    The five tell-tale signs of men who are liars and how to observe these in a few seconds. Hint: You'll need to "see" these body language signals to be able to spot them, which is why the manual is fully-illustrated with full-colour photos to make sure that you won't be able to miss these giveaway signs from now on.

    The six tell-tale signs of men who are "safe bets" to bring you happiness and stick by you. Hint: If you don't know these, then chances are you'll either end up with a "player" or a wet fish. Don't take the risk.

    The differences in how men and women think about dating... and why most men want to keep you from being successful. (Warning: you'll have so much POWER when you know this that you must PROMISE to use it responsibly. The man of your choice will almost hypnotically be at your beck and call when you know this.)

    The two secrets to communicating with a man that will create lasting love and affection. Don't believe me, believe yourself!

    The truth about men who aren't "emotionally available"... how to know if you've got one and what to do if you're dating one. You better not miss this benefit!

    The three top things women do that turn men off and destroy intimacy completely. You probably don't even realise you are doing these.

    The inside scoop from happily-married women who know about the tell-tale signs of a great guy. Take advantage of this now!

    How to create an emotional connection a man can't ignore the very first time you're out together (This one simple secret will keep him coming back for more.)

    One easy habit that makes such an astonishing difference, it will “wrap its arms around you” like a long lost lover. You’ll hardly believe your eyes when you clearly see how men rush to embrace you everywhere you go! (Warning: This is habit forming… the more you feel the tingle of excitement, the more you’ll want to do it!)

    You Can Guarantee Your Own Success!

    Now is the time to get that “second chance” you’ve always dreamed of.

Don't just take my word for it.  
Listen to what the press and women like you are saying

"The Man Magnet Manual is a wonderful self-development tool-kit for women who are new to the dating scene and those who have plenty of experience, but keep attracting the wrong type of men. You can work at it at your own pace and take from it what you need to develop the right skills and understanding to find that special someone."
- Judi Jackson, Cardiff

“I am a cynic about alternative therapies, but using the Man Magnet System, I did feel better about myself. I certainly didn’t expect to be as convinced by his methods as I was.

I realised some of my attitudes, approaches and even my demeanour were inadvertently a massive turn-off and were making me unattractive.

In fact, I wondered why my boyfriend had stuck with me for the last three-and-a-half years. Richard made me realise that only by changing myself would I be a happier person and more relaxed.”
- Laura Wright, Special Features Journalist
South Wales Echo, Cardiff, UK
Click Here To Read *Become A Man Magnet* Article Now

How Do You Know If This Program Is For You?

f you’re already generating a steady stream of totally-into-you men everyday without making any effort, you might not need it.

If you’re so magnetic to men that people are talking about you non-stop, you probably don’t need it.

If you feel you’re OK as things are and you no longer have to “worry about being single” another day, it may not be something you need. 

If you don’t feel there’s any blocks to you and you have no problem attracting all the steamy men out there, it might not be for you. 

If you’re completely in the driving seat and you KNOW you can’t handle any more men, then this is not for you.

On the other hand, there are always roadblocks people face that they just can’t seem to “get over” and reach their fullest potential with their relationships, especially when first starting out. 

And it saddens me to see women give up or fail because they couldn’t get past their hurdles to see a highly successful and POWERFUL way to ACT.  

If ANY ONE of the challenges listed below resonates with you in some way, then I highly suggest you get the Man Magnet e-book with all its extra bonuses.

If you feel you can relate to more than one of these challenges that you can’t seem to break through somehow, then you absolutely NEED to get The Man Magnet book (and time-limited bonuses) immediately.


  • If you’re still searching for that secret ingredient that lets some women double or even triple their dates seemingly overnight but you have yet to discover it…

  • If you’re wondering how desirable men seem to flow non-stop from some women while others struggle to go on just one date…

  • If you’ve rarely tapped into the power of psychology to instantly have a stampede of hungry men ready to date you…

  • If you feel you’re level of attractiveness is average at best but has the potential to be superb, if only men could "see the real you"…

  • If you’re looking to quickly transform a so-so experience of dating into a truly hypnotic one that can get men queuing up to be with you overnight…

  • If you’re breaking the bank every month on dating sites and speed dating just to stop being lonely on a Friday night…

  • If you want to stop the disaster that is your love life and attract men now as if by magic using the latest strategies…

Then here’s the bottom line:

I probably don’t need to tell you if you need this information or not because if you do, you already KNOW it. 

Regular Price $49, LIMITED TIME OFFER $29

Act immediately and receive
the following bonuses

Since I know it's 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today! If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:

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Click Here To Get The Man Magnet Inner Child Meditation™ Bonus Now!

Here's a fact for you: if you don't love yourself and feel good inside, you'll stay single – or be terrible company. The truth is you must feel good about yourself to attract a deeply loving, nurturing relationship – and maintain it. More than anything else, old unresolved “self-esteem” and confidence issues destroy your chances of love. This recording helps you heal all the old “emotional baggage”. You’ll feel a sense of bliss, calm and make yourself totally irresistible to men, simply as you listen to this powerful recording.

"The Man Magnet Inner Child Meditation" has never been available before, and will only be available for a limited time. This will turbo-charge your results, and work alongside The “Become A Man Magnet™ Manual” to "clean" away the old programming. You will have immediate access if you ACT NOW. (And of course you'll be covered by our better-than-fair 60-Day no-quibble satisfaction guarantee).

Click Here To Get The Man Magnet™ Book And Meditation Now!

Bonus #2: *NEW* The world-famous ground-breaking 30 Days of Rich eBook (over 100 pages)

30 Days of Rich
Blast away self-esteem and confidence issues in just 30 Days with
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“Read Our RISK-FREE 60-Day Money Back Guarantee"

You don’t risk a penny by accepting my invitation to Download "Become A Man Magnet" today. In fact, you don’t even have to say yes. All you have to do is to say “MAYBE”. Because I will give you a 100% no risk money-back guarantee. Here’s how it works:

If you're unhappy, for any reason, or no reason, simply return the book for a fast refund of every penny. No questions asked. No hassles. No problems. I promise. And get this: you can “test drive” "Become A Man Magnet" for 2 whole months. (That's 60 days!)

If you don’t attract the man you really want just send the book back and I’ll refund your money on the spot. This means you can read the whole book for FREE.

So don’t decide now. Decide after you’ve read the book and used this treasure-trove of little-known secrets to get men queuing up to be with you.

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I also understand Become A Man Magnet comes with a 60-day, 100% no-questions-asked money back guarantee.

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So What's The Cost Of Discovering These Priceless Secrets Now?

Remember, back in 2004 when I first developed this exact strategy to become a man magnet I only took on 3 clients to teach this to, and they each paid me a handsome $2,000 and their results were staggering.

In 2005 the next year, I turned the Man Magnet formula into a written format and offered it as a book, and immediately got a full-page feature in the national press. And the reporter challenged me to make her a man magnet before she published a single word.

While most online dating agencies are going to keep selling you more books, subscriptions, gold membership, private clubs, dating events, seminars, or whatever, they will rarely give you the whole story.

They can't. It would put them out of business.

What about me?

If you are familiar with many of my books, you know I have a giving side to me. That's why I'm ready to virtually give away my hard-earned secrets to you.

You won't have to pay my hourly coaching rate of $250 for them.

Or $2,500 to attend one of my trainings…

Or even $100, for that matter.

The cost for all of this? Only $49 ONLY $29.

It's easy to get the book now, as you find yourself discovering these easy-to-apply secrets, so you too Become A Man Magnet...

...plus you get all your FREE bonuses when you ACT NOW...

You'll gain immediate access to the Man Magnet book when you act now (over 100+ pages of priceless secrets), as well as OUTRAGEOUS exclusive free bonuses for you.

To your success,

Author, Become A Man Magnet

P.S.  Become A Man Magnet is specifically designed to break through your barriers and take your DESIRE for that relationship to the “next level” and well beyond.  The key to a stream of desirable men is NOT online dating. (But you already knew that.) It is knowing that the power can be released inside you, so men are absolutely starving for the chance to date you, and turbo-charging that sexual energy with the years of practical proven tools you'll discover.  I’m literally handing you over that key with The Man Magnet book.

P.P.S.  Your satisfaction is of course guaranteed. If you don't see the value in the strategy I’ve created and taught over the last SIX years and that I reveal in Become A Man Magnet, return it for a full refund -- no questions asked for 60 days. I’ve eliminated all the risk for you, so now you have nothing to lose. This is an investment in YOU!

 My 60-Day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee


The Become a Man Magnet Manual and its bonuses are all digital products for downloading directly to your computer (nothing is being shipped.) There is a 100% money-back guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with The Become a Man Magnet Manual and all its bonuses, just let me know within the guarantee period and you'll be given a courteous, prompt refund.

Remember, you can download The Become a Man Magnet Manual and its bonuses almost immediately after you purchase, even if it's 2:00 o'clock in the morning.

All images and text on this website are copyright and intended for entertainment purposes only.
www.richardhaggerty.co.uk © 2014.